Labels:crimson | hakham | reckoner | sand | sky OCR: Acknowledgem ents Special thanks to David Palermo pu e Bud S mith from Apple Computerfor all theirsupport Much gratit apnt goes to Ro bert West forcreating this portfolio Mbnyof the QTYR movies seen here were created forwebsi ites htt p:/ f/www aardmancom htt p:/ /wwwarcosantiorg htt p:/ /'w w w axis images com htt p:/ ' htt p:/ MAM dodgers .com htt p:/ .ha rd roc k htt p:/ / htt p:/ /W WW .net tproductions .com/ /balcony htt p:/ /pat hfinder rcom/twep/artslink /artists/fitzgerald htt p:/ /qtvrquic kti ime. htt p:/ /'w w w .yose mite org http:/ /W wW zz yzXwor1d com Thank yo u to those who made these projects possible Alan S now. /Do uglass Turne r/Jo hn Bo rde n/Sumin Chao Erik Zaral ikov/ /Peter Conn/War irwick Stone. /Bi11 Foster Bruce Sout hwi ick/ ...